Our company offers conventional and eco-friendly pest control services. If you need to wipe out the pests in your home, please contact us. We’re positive we can find a solution that satisfies your needs and preferences. Depending on the circumstances, it might be best to fix the problem using our innovative Cryonite treatments. The method works exceptionally well for eliminating crawling insects, including cockroaches, bedbugs, flour beetles, and more. Thanks to its effectiveness and safeness, this treatment has grown in popularity across Europe, the United States, and Australia.
It has proven to be one of the most efficient and reliable bedbug treatments. The Cryonite protocol uses CO2 to kill crawling pests. The snow is applied to bedbug hiding spots to ensure that they’re eliminated swiftly and efficiently.
The Cryonite Process
The Cryonite treatment is a unique process that can quickly eliminate bedbugs by freezing them. The bedbugs will be exposed to extremely low temperatures rapidly. Thanks to the low temperature and swift application, the process is very reliable. Carbon dioxide is the cooling ingredient and is applied using a unique nozzle. More about this process can be found below.
Dry Application – Cryonite uses frozen carbon dioxide or dry ice. When it is sprayed from the nozzle, it swiftly transitions into gas. Since it moves from snow to gas rapidly, there is no liquid phase. Thankfully, this allows us to use Cryonite to eliminate bedbugs without needing to clean up a mess afterward. We can use the Cryonite technique to eliminate bedbugs in many areas, including food preparation facilities. It can also be used around electrical outlets, pipes, and more.
Applied Rapidly – The Cryonite mixture can be applied to your home rapidly. The cooling process is rapid so you can guarantee that bedbugs, eggs, and larvae will be eliminated. When used correctly, Cryonite can eradicate a bedbug infestation.
Conveniently Designed Unit – When administering Cryonite, the exterminator will use a conveniently designed unit. It can be easily carried into the home. Then, the 90-degree angle nozzle makes it easy for the exterminator to treat the home. Thanks to this design, we can quickly administer the Cryonite to outlets and under furniture.
Eliminates Bedbugs Hiding In Gaps – The Cryonite mixture can slip through cracks, gaps, and holes. Bedbugs won’t be able to hide in gaps or lengthy pipes. The snow will reach and kill them.
Pick This Eco-Friendly Treatment
We highly recommend picking this eco-friendly treatment. Cryonite is recommended because it is non-toxic and non-poisonous. It offers several unique advantages.
- Cryonite can safely be used anywhere. It can be used in homes, apartments, and commercial structures.
- It can be used on any surface in kitchens and bakeries.
- A manufacturer’s production line can likely continue.
- Cryonite does not leave a residue so residents can go home sooner.
Why Our Clients Should Pick Cryonite
Cryonite offers a handful of unique benefits, including those listed below.
- It has been proven effective against many crawling pests, including bedbugs, cockroaches, and more.
- Cryonite allows us to treat the home without using pesticides.
- During the treatment, the production line can likely continue.
- Thanks to Cryonite, any production delays will be shortened.
- The treatment is dry because there is no residue.
- Cryonite can be used directly on food products and food preparation surfaces.
- The treatment is safe for everyone involved.
- The unit is easy to use.
- Cryonite eliminates adult bedbugs, baby bedbugs, and eggs.
- It can help reduce the overall costs.
- Cryonite is better for the environment.
When you’re ready to start, contact us. We’ll take care of the infestation using Cryonite treatments.
If you have any other pest control issues please check out other services.